All documents relating to Lords Amendments are available on Bills before Parliament (go to the page for the bill and then click on “All bill documents”). The documents are also available in hard copy from the Vote Office. You will need:
- The Lords Amendments list: this sets out all the changes made by the Lords to the bill. On the bill’s webpage on Bills before Parliament it can be found in the list of versions of the bill. You can see an example of a Lords Amendment list.
- The first version of the bill printed in the Lords: the page and line references in the Lords Amendments list relate to this version of the bill. Ask the Vote Office for “the XXX Bill as first printed in the Lords”.
- Amendment paper: this sets out motions to disagree to Lords Amendments and suggested amendments to the Lords Amendments (if any have been submitted). You can see an example of an amendment paper.
- Selection list: this shows how the Lords Amendments and any motions relating to them have been grouped for debate, including any amendments to the Lords Amendments. You can see an example of a selection list.